Mountainbike trails for kids and beginners
The mini bikepark and the pump track in St. Corona am Wechsel is the ideal place to get first experiences on the mountainbike.
The Mini Bikepark
The 90m conveyor turns into a magic carpet for bikes. Whether big or small, the course is ideal for testing, practising and improving technique on a mountain bike.
Course description
The easier route for children from 3 years upwards is on the right-hand side of the conveyor. It has a few bends and goes down the meadow featuring flat wood elements.
The route for children from 5 years upwards is on the left-hand side of the conveyor. It has a few bends and flat wood elements and goes through a small forest then down through the meadow.
The Pumptrack
This is a circuit on which you can learn and practice techniques on a mountain bike.